Big Data Hackathon Series![]() 2015 Autumn Big Data Hackathon SummaryDate/Time: Week 1: Oct. 3 (9am - 5pm), Oct. 4 (9am - 4pm), 2015 (First Round awards) Week 2: Oct. 10 (10am - 2pm), 2015 (Second Round awards)Location: San Diego State University Campus. Peterson Gym Room 153.For this first ever Big Data Hackathon being held in San Diego State University from October 3rd to 10th, 2015. There were a total of nine teams in the beginning, and once the final day for presentations came, there were five teams ready to present their apps and technology.In spring of 2016, a symposium will be held so that each of the teams can share their progress. And the Big Data Hackathon will be held every year for the purpose of working together to improve the city. Please click (To view pdf files you may need to download Adobe Reader.)to see the performance and results of participants for this year.![]() 2015 Autumn Big Data HackathonDate/Time: Week 1: Oct. 3 (9am - 5pm), Oct. 4 (9am - 4pm), 2015 (First Round awards) Week 2: Oct. 10 (10am - 2pm), 2015 (Second Round awards)Location: San Diego State University Campus. Peterson Gym Room 153.Anyone is welcome to participate! Students, engineers, developers, programmers, journalists, scientists, public officials, and community members are just a few people who may find this Big Data event of interest.The Hackathon will focus on three themes: Water Drought and Conservation, Crime Analysis and Wildfire Alerts and Responses. See the submission guidelines for more details.HDMA Lightning Talk Series2014 Fall HDMA Lightning Talk SeriesDate/Time: Sept. 19, Oct. 03, 17, 31 (Friday from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm)Location: Storm Hall Room 325 (Geography Seminar Room).This Talk Series is open to all SDSU faculty members, students, and researchers.All presentation slides might be downloadable from our HDMA website after we get the permissions from the speakers. on Oct. 31:1. Dr. Eric Buhi (Public Health): “Gardasil on Twitter: An Exploratory Study Examining Content and Source Characteristics of HPV Vaccine-Related Tweets.”2. Dr. Kate Swanson (Geography): “Mapping Journeys with Unaccompanied Migrant Children.”3. Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou (Geography): “Modeling Human Dynamics with Big Data and Mobile Phones for Vulnerability Assessment and Spatiotemporal Risk Prediction of Multiple Hazard Events.”Goals: With the establishment of the new research area of excellence in Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA) at San Diego State University, our core faculty organized a series of bi-weekly HDMA lightning talks (10 minutes presentation+ 2 minutes Q&A for each speaker) by inviting our research cluster members (Appendix-A) and related SDSU researchers. Each presenter will present their current research projects, funding opportunities, or research plan/proposals within 10 minutes with slides. The main goals of this lightning talk series are 1). to facilitate research collaborations among different departments and research fields at SDSU, and 2). to identify strong research proposal initiatives and project funding opportunities.2014 Spring HDMA Lightning Talk SeriesDate/Time: March 20, 27, April 17, 24, May 08 (Thursday from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm)Location: Storm Hall Room 325 (Geography Seminar Room).This Talk Series is open to all SDSU faculty members, students, and researchers.Organized by Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA) Research Cluster at San Diego State University: HDMA Core Faculty: Ming-Hsiang Tsou, John Elder, Sheldon Zhang, Piotr Jankowski, Brian Spitzberg. 2013 Fall HDMA Lightning Talk SeriesDate/Time: Oct. 30, Nov. 13, Nov. 27, Dec. 11Location: COM209 (Communication Building Room 209 – Smart conference room) / Geography Annex 102 (Annex Room 102 – Geography Seminar Room)This Talk Series is open to all SDSU faculty members, students, and researchers.Organized by Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA) Research Cluster at San Diego State University: HDMA Core Faculty: Ming-Hsiang Tsou, John Elder, Sheldon Zhang, Piotr Jankowski, Brian Spitzberg. 2014 Colloquium Series: Opportunities from Social Media Data for Public Health, Dr.Mark Dredze The Global Health Program at the SDSU Graduate School of Public Health and the Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age Center of Excellence Invites You to a Public Lecture