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UN Climate Change Pre-COP 26 #All4Climate Italy: Youth4Climate
ONU Cambio Climático Pre-COP 26 #Todos por el Clima Italia: Juventud Para El Clima

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The 5P Dimensions of the SDGs | Las 5P Dimensiones de los ODS

The Metabolism of Cities Living Lab and the United Nations Environmental Program – Major Group for Children and Youth – Microplastics and Marine Litter Working Group organized ahead of COP26 a youth summit event of interactive meetings addressed to young people around the world. Through a partnership with Hubzine Italia, Citta Studi Campus Sostenibile, Politecnico di Milano, and #All 4 Climate Italy.

El Metabolism of Cities Living Lab s y el Programa Ambiental de las Naciones Unidas - Grupo Principal para Niños y Jóvenes - Grupo de Trabajo sobre Microplásticos y Basura Marina organizaron antes de la COP26 un evento cumbre juvenil de reuniones interactivas dirigidas a jóvenes de todo el mundo. A través de una asociación con Hubzine Italia, Citta Studi Campus Sostenibile, Politecnico di Milano y #All 4 Climate Italy.

Youth delegates came together to develop a physical and virtual conference called “Young People Fight Against Plastic Pollution” on September 30, 2021, in Milan, Italy as part of the PreCOP 26 Italy initiative where students, young professionals, NGOs, and advocates presented innovative solutions to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on the topics of water consumption and plastic pollution. Youth delegates sat down with representatives from government, the private sector, international institutions, the media, and academia to discuss their vision for next steps in a special All4Climate event. The Pre-COP 26 Summit took place ahead of the 26th session of ‘The Conference of the Parties (COP 26)’ to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, on November 1-12, 2021. The event was part of a larger initiative by the Italian Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with Connect4Climate-World Bank, World Bank Group, and the Office of Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth.

Los jóvenes delegados se reunieron para desarrollar una conferencia física y virtual llamada "Los jóvenes luchan contra la contaminación plástica" el 30 de Septiembre de 2021 en Milán, Italia, como parte de la iniciativa PreCOP 26 Italia donde estudiantes, jóvenes profesionales, ONG y defensores presentaron innovadores soluciones para contribuir a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas en los temas de consumo de agua y contaminación plástica. Los jóvenes delegados se sentaron con representantes del gobierno, el sector privado, instituciones internacionales, los medios de comunicación y el mundo académico para discutir su visión de los próximos pasos en un evento especial de All4Climate. La Cumbre Pre-COP 26 tuvo lugar antes de la 26 sesión de 'La Conferencia de las Partes (COP 26)' de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático, del 1 al 12 de Noviembre de 2021. El evento fue parte de un evento más amplio iniciativa del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Italia, en colaboración con Connect4Climate-Banco Mundial, el Grupo del Banco Mundial y la Oficina del Enviado del Secretario General para la Juventud.

Consortium | Consorcio

Dr. Gabriela Fernandez (Metabolism of Cities Living Lab, US), Carol Maione (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Christan Buurstee (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Dr. Domenico Vito (Metabolism of Cities Living Lab, US), Alessandro Garlandini (Ilvespaio, Italy), Sebastiano Ercoli (Ilvespaio, Italy), Harmit Chima (Big Data Analytics and Metabolism of Cities Living Lab, US), Dr. Mario Grosso (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Dustin Harrison (Metabolism of Cities Living Lab, US), Luciana Verastegui (Ocean's Voice Working Group, Mexico), Suzanne Astic (UNEP, Major Group for Children and Youth, Switzerland), Bathawar Asif (UNEP, Major Group for Children and Youth, US), Ibrahim Inusa (UNEP, Major Group for Children and Youth, Nigeria), Christianne Zakour (UNEP, Major Group for Children and Youth, Belgium), Teresa Obenhauser (UNEP, Major Group for Children and Youth, Belgium), Ka’sha Bernard (Center for International Environmental Law, US), Luca Marsaglia (Casa Congo, Nicaragua) and Manuel Cortez (Casa Congo, Nicaragua), Carla Friedrich (Major Group for Children and Youth, Italy), Dr. Eugenio Morello (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Federica Guerrini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy). Special thanks to UNLEASH, Race for Oceans (Denmark), European Union, and EIT ClimateKIC. Metabolism of Cities Living Lab, United Nations Environmental Program – Major Group for Children and Youth – Microplastics and Marine Litter Working Group, Hubzine Italia, Citta Studi Campus Sostenibile, Politecnico di Milano, and #All 4 Climate Italy.

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